High End Market Place to host and sponsor community and cannabis culture events throughout August 2018

We’re in the thick of summer here at the shop and we’ve got a lot of events planned to support our local community here in Uptown Village as well as say thank you to you, our valued customers and patients.
We’re continuing to host our partners in our newly re-branded Grower and Edible showcases, and we’ve expanded these events by offering at least one per week. During these grower and edible showcases, we invite our trusted marijuana producers into the shop to highlight their evolving cannabis product lines, as well as help educate on how their cannabis products are cultivated in responsible and conscious ways. Enjoy non-infused samples by our trusted edible processors as well as swag and information about growing and processing techniques by each of our partners. In addition to information and swag, enjoy discounts and specials on the product lines of each producer/processor we host. For a full list of this month’s grower and edible showcases, check out the list below, and be sure to follow us on Facebook for specifics and to RSVP to each event.
In addition to expanding and growing our in house cannabis culture events, we’re also sponsoring this year’s Show and Shine classic car show hosted by the Slo Poks. This event takes place on Saturday, August 18th from 10am-3pm and is a fun and interactive event for families and classic car enthusiasts alike. This is our third year sponsoring this event, and we’re proud to be part of an event that helps bring our community together, as well as helps support the Hough Foundation with donations of school supplies for the new school year for underprivileged kids.


Edible Showcase: Dogtown Pioneers

Thursday, August 9th, 3-6pm

About Dogtown Pioneers: “We are a Tier 3 Cannabis Producer & Processor located in Clayton, Washington. Our focus is to provide our customers with the highest quality sun grown cannabis in the state. We do this with all natural farming practices, 9 climate controlled greenhouses and a state-of-the-art indoor growing space!”


Edible Showcase: Green Labs 

Friday, August 10th, 3-6pm

About Green Labs: “With decades of experience in the cannabis and culinary industries, the Green Labs team is dedicated to developing innovative ways to consume cannabis while ensuring consistent flavor and accurate dosing in all of our products. We know “tastes good” and “cannabis” should always be in the same sentence. Rise with us as we transcend to the next era of cannabis.”


Edible Showcase: Craft Elixirs

Friday, August 17th, 3-6pm

About Craft Elixirs: “Craft Elixirs LLC formed in 2013 to be a recreational processor of artisanal small batch syrups made from local Washington State seasonal ingredients; including a line of THC infused products. We produce a complex variet of syrup elixirs that excite the palette with a sophisticated mixology of fruitful and savory ingredients. Artisanal handcrafted syrups can be used for making carbonated sodas, fun cocktails, marinades, topping for ice cream or other mixology crafts. Creative cooks can use the unique syrups for additional ingredients in baking and other recipes.”

Edible Showcase: Utopia / Sorse Cannabis

Saturday, August 18th, 5-8pm

About SorseSŌRSE “is the first and only technology that produces entirely taste- and odor-free cannabis emulsions for infusion of medical and recreational products.”


Grower Showcase: Canna Organix

Friday, August 24th, 3-6pm

About Canna Organix: “Canna Organix is a Washington State cannabis grower, manufacturer and distributer. We grow and process legal cannabis in our state-of-the-art facility located in Sequim and cultivate honest and personable relationships with our retail partners, consumers, employees, and community. We constantly refine ourselves and encourage those around us, creating synergistic bonds, ampliyfing our efforts and our end products.  Enjoy.”



August Featured artist: Kenny Spear


Kenny spear is a painter and mixed media artist in Vancouver, WA. Enjoy his abstract pieces through the month of August on the walls at High End Market Place.

Cannabis inspires artists of every caliber, and we are beyond excited to have the opportunity to showcase local work by some amazing creators in Clark County and Southwest Washington. If you would like to be a featured artist, or are interested in learning more about our involvement in the arts community in downtown Vancouver, WA, please email: marketing@highendmarketplace.com